Version history


eXtraButtons 2.2.5 beta

Added: German localization
Added: Opera browser support


eXtraButtons 2.2.4 beta

Added: Windows 8 themes support
Added: Google Chrome support
Added: Microsoft visual studio 2012 support
Fixed: Performance and stability


eXtraButtons 2.2 beta

Added: Full screen eXtra Button
Added: Bookmarked applications
Added: Click throught eXtra Button
Imroved: Performance and x64 support


eXtra Buttons 2.1.11beta

Added: Move to another monitor eXtra Button
Added: Multi-language support
Added: Applications black-list


eXtraButtons 2.1 beta

Added: Windows Vista/7 support
Added: Window's system meny support
Added: Buttons autocollapse option
Fixed: Performance issues


eXtraButtons 1.2

Added: Tips mechanizm in System Tray
Added: Hotkey for each button
Fixed: Incorrect processing of current Desktop theme changing


eXtraButtons 1.1 beta

Added: RollUp/Unroll button
Added: Minimize to box button
Fixed: Displaying big buttons (non-linear scaling)
Added: Choice of glyph color


eXtraButtons 1.0 beta

Added: Support any of Desktop themes
Added: Auto style defifnition for glyph color and button background
Added: Minimizing to Own Tray Menu
Added: Transparency button
Added: Percentage Transparency button
Added: Restore changed windows by choice
Fixed: Display of buttons in MDI-windows


eXtraButtons 0.9 beta

Added: Minimize to Tray button
Added: Minimize to Tray Menu button
Added: Always on Top button
Added: Send to back button
Added: Standard Desktop themes support